well...how you MAKE someone FAKE like they are listening and paying attention in the classroom setting?

I do think the majority of this is boredom. I'd say she's probably about 90%, if not higher. She only has 3 chapters of the math book to finish and that was supposed to last the whole school year...she's not even finding the science experiments interesting anymore. Please bear in mind that I"m sure she is getting minimum standard instruction (not GT level) and our state is 46th our of 50 for standards. It's so sadly low...

But, even with boredom factored in or out, I agree that she needs to learn how to play the game...but HOW...HOW do you, not only teach them to do it, but make them WANT to do it?

According to developmental behavior, she doesn't have any AS, autism, ADHD, ODD...nothing...no "reason" to do this except boredom or willfullness.

Personally, I feel like, if the teacher thinks this is a problem, the teacher should be addressing it in the classroom, but there don't seem to be any consequences for this...it's like at the last school, I feel like the teachers are tattling on her and expect me to do something about it, but I don't know what...

I get excited when the library lets me know my books are ready for pickup...