A child doesn't have to be an IT professional to require computer skills. There are still some jobs out there that don't require the sophisticated use of technology... but what do they pay?

Focus on my children's future salaries is not really my thing.

That said, they are going to have computer skills, of course. Like I said, it's unavoidable. And they're very smart. They'll pick it up as soon as it's made available.

I didn't have my own computer till the age of 23 and I have never had any problems picking up the computer skills I need, though I don't work in IT or anything like it. Same with my husband, and he's effortlessly picked up things like GIS and SPSS. But am I starting them programming at age 4? No. I suppose some people could see this as a failing on my part. Enh.

I don't disallow computer use, anyway. But I limit it, and I certainly don't actively suggest it. Pushing computer literacy for these kids just seems utterly unnecessary. IMO, they'll be in front of screens all day soon enough.