Originally Posted by ultramarina
BTW, I do agree that it's hard to know how some of the negative effects in the studies would play out with gifted kids. Perhaps it's true that some of the cognitive effects are not an issue. However, GT kids are certainly not immune to obesity, sleep problems, or ADHD.

I don't want to sound high-horsey here--DS has gotten rather more screentime than DD due to various family circumstances. But But I do have a very intense DD8 who is certainly a major asker of questions and whose mental wheels turn very fast. I have looked up lots of things for her on Wikipedia, believe me. But I have not found that screentime is needed to get a break. She plays outside for hours upon hours, she writes plays, she builds and draws and reads. The screens just weren't made very available and she manages to find stuff to do, though we certrainly have made a cool and fun yard, which helps. (I also send the kids outside to play even if they complain. They always have fun once there.) We are also huge consumers of books on CD in the late toddler/early preschooler years. They take the place of movie time pretty nicely.

Sounds like you have it handled. Guess I wasn't as together. Oh well. They're adults now, or at least two of them are. And they still seek out my company and advice, so I'm good with it all.