We've also never restricted our DS6 to our computers either and DS6 has had limited access to computers since he was born as well. We've got a Mac laptop and desktop but don't even use the parental controls yet. I haven't bought an iPad yet for our ds, but might do in the foreseeable future. I was actually using the Mac laptop and various YouTube videos with my DS around 2 yrs to get him to do various therapies and as a reward system.

I'd agree with some of the pointers from the above poster. I'd also add that you might want to ensure clean hands when using any technology.

One of the benefits of having a laptop or desktop (or iPad) in a family/living room in the open is that you can monitor what videos or websites your child is on without helicoptering. I have found that my son is more interested in the genuine Cyberchase videos than a fake. If he somehow stumbles across an inappropriate site, I ask if that's what he wants or question whether he should be somewhere else online without trying to make a big deal about it. Unfortunately, even with YouTube videos on Cyberchase, your child may be exposed to inappropriate language posted by someone, which I try to ignore and pray my son doesn't notice or care about.

I believe instilling some time limits with computers (and television) and have found this more problematic than protecting my son from inappropriate content.

The good news is that there are tons of computer programming, games, etc. online now for early ages. If interested, MIT has a ton of stuff for the kindergarten - http://llk.media.mit.edu/projects.php

We haven't tried Scratch or other computer programming stuff yet, but I think my son's school uses it or is trying it out this year. I should mention that his school is a private/gifted one from pre-k to 8th grade with an emphasis on technology. The kids Skype and use the Macs every day for math, reading, programming, or etc.

I know Starfall, ixl math, and many others are good for the early ages. My son's been using them at school. PBS Kids (http://pbskids.org/) is good and safe too.

I certainly didn't set out to teach my son digital technology or plan anything formally. My son started off watching YouTube videos while I tried to get him to do therapy and then over time he's been teaching himself how to use the laptop/desktop and navigate the Internet himself.

Make sure the hands are clean before using any technology though smile!