There's a tremendous amount of free stuff that's educational and appropriate for a gifted 3-yr-old on the Internet. - offers free educational videos from ages 3-18 with a filtering tool to avoid inappropriate content, comments, or ads on YouTube. - offers you to share or post resources from preschool+ on nearly anything educational (free ebooks to read or write, videos, activities, games). It is aimed at teachers, librarians, etc., but it's got HUGE potential for gifted children.

To start, last night I actually created a folder on free books for kids to create on their own; I haven't made it public yet. I wanted to make a folder so I can find these resources for myself and my son.

Children born 2005ish or later are digital natives; my eg/pg son was born in 2005. It's going to be an entirely different world for them as I'm discovering.

There's so much free, interactive immersive Web 2.0 stuff now that the way we learn, retrieve, think, or process information will change tremendously. Children who learn faster from visual information or by doing will especially benefit from the Web 2.0 tools.