My kids have had access to computers since about age 2, but DS8 was just given by my father this summer his own laptop (albiet a slow one but it works none the less for the time being). Our 5 year old twins have access to my old laptop. As of recently we have instituted a time earning system for electronics though to readjust entitlement attitudes and get them outdoors in the fresh air more often.

I don't think its a bad idea, but I'd think at 2 an ipad would be a good choice, or tablet with interesting apps. All our kids love the ipad, iphones, and itouches and have for many years. There are so many great apps! I do have to say the laptop was the main reason I survived DS8 as a 2 year old, while I was pregnant with twins...I don't think computers are a mistake as long as they don't become the childs only reason for living.