I'm all backwards anyway. �I think pixels are fine for mindless entertainment and that mindlessness is fine.
Funny thing is, I heard a similar argument against early organized education, don't teach preschoolers phonics or your kid will be a skin covered robot. �And "you'll destroy your kid's creativity by giving him drawing lessons before he has time to develop his own style". � *

I have to agree that the statistics are taken of children and their screen time are probably involving children whose parents don't go above and beyond for their education like many posters here. �Also, we're not going to get this perfect.

Originally Posted by Iucounu
Yes, they are totally different from free-form art. �They're coloring in someone else's art instead of creating art. �In comparison, it's hard to understand how using simulated soldiers some of the time, instead of molded plastic ones, is supposed to be so harmful to imagination.
My, how I love the way folks in this forum compare stuff to stuff, even if we disagree about the stuffs relationship. �Most folks just don't get it unless there's a premade phrase that compares the two objects they don't seem to cross-reference. �But folks here do it naturally, compare stuff to stuff automatically. �Yay!

Originally Posted by DeHe
I noticed that �with small children who watch a lot of television it structured their imagination much more than books do. Kids being Dora or the cars from cars. It's just not been my experience that kids read Olivia and then incorporate her into imaginary play the way kids who just saw her on tv did.�
(mommy confession- I sneaked the Olivia book into the trash because the writing was so poor compared to other children's books we have. �But I think Olivia the tv show is cute). ��

*and yet adult artists say that great art comes from knowing the rules and then deciding on when to break them�
And the HWT program says when your child has learned to form neat correct letters then, by all means, let them embellish flourishments to make their own style, but don't confuse untrained sloppiness for one's own style. �

** does anybody know about those wild claims that cellphones microwave your brains slowly and since there's no nerve endings there to feel it, blah blah blah... So don't give your phone to your two year old? Just somebody tell me if that's true or not because I think I really do love my iPhone.

Youth lives by personality, age lives by calculation. -- Aristotle on a calendar