I met a guy about 20 years ago. The father was Jewish, the mother Catholic and he grew up with both. As an adult, he became interested in all religions and held this class and had a leading religious leader come and talk each week.

I thought that was really interesting. He researched religion, just didn't follow in blind faith. And I know someone mentioned faith in the thread.

I have heard of the Unitarians Val, and I thought of them. I think I went once or twice years ago. It is hard to kind of leave the whole thing because it is "our culture", historic culture. But that is not why you go to church. Hence, the path should be different. And DD is interested in the investigation. I know the Catholic doctrine won't work the long haul. But now I have stuck her in for 3 months and she is into the pomp and circumstance. Figure it will ride the wave.

Funny, we were watching a Nova on Darwin and DNA that says we are decended from fish. So I said to her, "were Adam and Eve fish?" She was not amused. But seeing, several times, the fossils of that couple they found from million years ago, walking along, she has understood evoluation from preschool.

Some things don't reconcile. What is that quote? "God was awfully fond of beetles" because there are a kazillion varieties.
