We were doing the whole going to Mass and sunday school, though missed a few masses, not the sunday school, since she was in remedial coursework, missing last year.

And DH and I are having a harder and harder time with the going. Though, to our surprise, DD is liking it. Maybe because there are school friends, but she says she likes the ritual. Maybe being part of it. But the lessons...

And after talking with the priest on Monday, I just got the feeling of follow the rules and you are allowed in the club, kind of feeling. They like the sheep. He even acknowledged the fact that the largest growing population was ex-Catholics and said it matter of factly, not as a problem. As long as you keep the obedient ones.

I think I have to find more of a thinking church. I was thinking of Ethical Culture or something. There has to be something that has a nice ritual for DD and tolerable from a teaching perspective. DD did like doing the Christmas pageant. She was Gabriel. I do tell her that they had to keep the script simple, people were not educated, they needed statues and pictures to tell them stories. They needed to move the birth of Jesus to bring in the Pagans. Very strange that they celebrate the Immaculate conception in December but he was born 12 and half months later.
