I think religion is a difficult subject for any gifted child in any religion. We, too, are Catholic and although we attend regularly, both DH and I have our own issues with many parts of the religion. That being said, I find great comfort in the rituals associated with my religion and this is what I focus on when conversing with DD9. I don't have to agree or believe with everything that is spouted... I focus on the parts I believe with all my heart and skim over all the rest. A lot like I did in school!

DD has had some pretty great questions over the years and now has our priest's email address so she can direct the big ones to him (this was his idea after being accosted by her a few times). She just had her bible presentation three weeks ago and is trying hard to read it... but the small type makes it difficult for a dyslexic child to read. I love that she is interested, but I too fear some of the conversations we are going to have in the coming years. Can't wait til she starts learning about evolution....

Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it. — L.M. Montgomery