I spoke with the director of special ed for the town and explained my concerns about the student teacher, i.e. I don�t mind a student teacher working with DD once the qualified teachers finish assessing her and can provide appropriate guidance but I am uncomfortable with how it has been handled so far. She will talk to the actual special ed teacher about my concerns and encouraged me to speak with her directly as well. I said that I will give it some time for them to work it all out but I don�t want to go too far down the wrong path while we are still trying to dig out from the damage caused last year. The other day DD said she worked with the actual teacher and the student teacher together so I am encouraged. As long as her anxiety isn�t triggered we�re doing well.

Both the director of special ed and the fabulous teacher told me that OG is just the new fancy term for what they were taught as undergrads in the 1970's so the formal training is not needed. Not sure I buy that but it is what both told me last week. I am, of course, documenting.

Oddly both the teacher and the director of special ed seem shocked that I even knew that a student teacher was working with DD or that he had her sounding out �cat�. I just ask DD about what she did in school that day and put the pieces together - not sure why that would seem so surprising�

Thanks all. Will keep you posted.