Another option to consider -- special ed services through public school while attending private. I had a friend who did this with her son who is now in high school. In elementary, he had always been perceived as a poor student due to reading difficulties. At some point, they gave him a standardized test and he had one of the top three math scores in the state. The teacher accused him of cheating. At that point the mom had outside testing done and showed that he was 2e. Mom couldn't face sending him back to the public school but the private school had no expertise working with dyslexia.

I believe he went to the public school for a few hours a couple days per week for specialized reading instruction and went back to the private school for the rest of the day. Public school initially balked at the idea and I believe that she had to file a due process claim under the IDEA. You may not be ready to go there but it might give you some of the benefits of both worlds.