I need a bit of advice...

The school year got off to a GREAT start. DD was excited about school and was her old happy-go-lucky self. Not a hint of anxiety and everyone telling me how wonderful she is. We started seeing the first hints of some anxiety by Friday afternoon but not sure why. When I mentioned it to the special ed teacher the school jumped all over it. A call from the social worker, notes and emails from the classroom teacher, etc. I couldn't ask for more.

Then I found out that DD will not be working with the "fabulous" special ed teacher we had been told about and the OG tutor verified was wonderful. That teacher's schedule is full so they have assigned DD to the other special ed teacher. When we were on the fence about public vs private this fabulous special ed teacher was the main argument everyone used for sending her to the public. The district wanted DD with an OG trained teacher and was going to bring someone to the school to work with her until they found out this teacher was going through the OG training this past summer. In other words she was absolutely perfect.

I decided to stick to my plan and let the district do what they think is best but continue to document, document, document in case it doesn't work. Now however I found out that she isn't really working the other special ed teacher either - she is working with her student teacher. This is so far from the "fabulous" OG trained teacher we were told she would have I just can't believe it. She spent her time with him the other day sounding out the word "cat". Cat was the first word DD learned how to spell when she was 3 and certainly didn't need to work on sounding it out. When I asked DD if she told the teacher that she knew the word she said she didn't get the chance "He told me to sound it out so that's what I did."

So do I continue to sit back and let the school do what it wants while I document it or do I make a fuss? Is having her work with the student teacher ok? Do I take the decision to have her work with the student teacher when they haven't yet gotten a handle on what DD's true abilities are an indication that this second special ed teacher is really not a good match for the situation? I don't want to undermine my relationship with the school or the special ed teacher she was assigned but I am not feeling very confident about the situation.

Thanks for any ideas or input.