What a relief to hear such reasoned voices of experience. I really was starting to feel that I must be going crazy.

Had a wonderful phone call today with the director of the largest 2E program in the country. She feels that the test results are likely fairly accurate - the scatter was consistent across enough areas to be confirming each other. While the specific numbers may not be accurate the general result of the test seems to be confirming 2E.

Interesting points she made - I was concerned about the effect of DD being placed in a low reading group. She suggests asking for a dual level approach. In one reading setting she works on her problems with reading the text and in the other she works on her high level of comprehension using technology, a peer reader, book on tape, etc. Since she will be working on reading during her pull out times I can request her in class reading group be focused on her strength with accommodations. It sounds like a great plan if the school will go for it. She said that they recommend modeling the day after a gifted student's day rather than an LD student's day and said that having a committed team leader will be the biggest key.

We discussed the private school option which she felt sounded like a good plan too. The drawbacks are the lack of a special ed coordinator and whether adaptive technology will be available. I hadn't considered that cost - if we have to purchase special equipment the cost indeed goes higher and higher. We also took another look at the paperwork from the OG program. The cost I quoted was for 2 days per week. If they worked with DD the same amount of time each week that the public is talking about the cost would literally double. I just can't see how we could do it. I think we have to enroll her in the public and see if the 2x per week would even have a chance of working.

I also spoke with the OG tutor and she indicated that the public school spec ed teacher is likely just starting her OG training - it will take another 2 years for her to reach an associate level and even longer to reach a master level so it won't actually be full fledged OG by the time she is working with DD but I am still happy to hear she is going through the training.

I also made an appointment for an ophthalmological exam and contacted my insurance about setting up a neuropsych exam - will schedule it tomorrow.

So to recap today I spoke with the principal at the public and think she is onboard, spoke with one of the best authorities on 2E there is and she confirmed in general terms that DD's test is probably an accurate representation of 2E needs and my town seems to be doing the right things. Confirmed the private would be a great option but the cost will be much higher than we were thinking. Tomorrow we meet the principal and visit the public, hopefully have a chance to learn more about a good match with a teacher.

Wow� no wonder I am exhausted! Thanks everyone you have been a HUGE help.