Originally Posted by Pemberley
I need a bit of advice...

The school year got off to a GREAT start. DD was excited about school and was her old happy-go-lucky self. Not a hint of anxiety and everyone telling me how wonderful she is. We started seeing the first hints of some anxiety by Friday afternoon but not sure why. ...Thanks for any ideas or input.
Pemberley - it's great that you are documenting. It's my experience that 'things change' and it's you job to keep the communication flowing back from the child to the school so that they can keep their complicated picture up to date.

The first thing that you want to communicate is how she is doing social/emotionally. So if the anxiety kind of went away after last Friday, let them know that. If it's continues let them know that too.

2nd type of useful communication connects the anxiety to what you think the solution might be. So if the anxiety seems to be connected to the student special ed teacher - and CAT - let them know that. Since you don't really know what is the cause, it won't be difficult to present this as 'one possible part of the puzzle' and that won't offend anyone.

They really want to help.

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