Originally Posted by E Mama
Let me point out that my comment on this thread was posted before passtp made any comments. So, my comment had absolutely nothing to do with her or anyone on this thread.
I totally agree -- you weren't addressing any specific individual. You were, however, perceived (at least by me) as taking a broad swipe at the early-college decision in general.

Originally Posted by E Mama
It is an opinion that passtp has taken personally.
And it is also one that (I suspect) many here have taken at least somewhat personally.

Imagine treading into a Waldorf forum over yonder and saying something akin to "We have no intention of letting him play with felt. There are so many things one can play with that I do not see the point of having a child, regardless of their intellectual ability, playing with felt. We are interested in raising a well-rounded young man not just one who plays with felt."

If suggesting that an early-college choice would result in a child who "just excels in in reading, math, science etc." rather than in a "well-rounded young man" is not just a tad judgmental, then I need a new dictionary.
