Originally Posted by E Mama
If anyone can add a link to a study showing that kids who graduate high school at 15 or younger have a good or better chance of getting into top schools I would love to read it

I don't think that it is easier for a kid 15 or younger to get into top universities. In fact, the opposite is probably true. I don't have stats to support this assertion. It is just a feeling after sending two kids to colleges at 16. Top colleges actually are more concerned about the very young students (some of them do fall apart in college). Admitting kids this young is a risk the school have to take (if everything else is equal). Both of my kids downplayed their ages and put an effort to show their maturity in their essays.

College admission is a game of credentials: academic, leadership, community service, talent, awards, etc. These all take time to accumulate. This puts the kids who skipped a lot (especially in high school) at a disadvantage.