Hi everyone. I'm hoping someone would have an idea that would lead me towards the right direction. I thought of listing the various things I've been hearing from teachers to his doctor because, it seems everyone is confused.

  • My DS18 has been ID gifted since kindergarten.

  • His psych doc dx him ADHD combo type in 9th grade. Medication seem to improve poor grades for lengthy assignments.

  • Participated in university study on Twice Exceptional behavioral research where they had said he has an extremely fast processing speed.

  • Last two years of high school he has not had consistent grades (extremely low then extremely high grading pattern)

  • Teacher has continually said, he is highly capable when he can focus.

  • He took himself off of meds in January.

  • He started having attendance and grade issue due to sleep problems

  • He went to truancy court for 16 non-consecutive days of absences. I thought this was a choice he made with poor sleeping habits and giving himself a day off for waking up late.

  • His gen practitioner thought poor sleep habits and gave suggestion to help incorporate better sleeping habits.

  • Psych doc supports 'no med' decision son made.

  • Thoughts of Asperger like tendencies and behavior. Psych doc and psychologist suggested further testing.

  • He went back on med through my urgent concern. He was more successful and had fewer sleep issues when he was on them.

  • In the past 6 weeks, his grades significantly improved and he did not have problems getting to school on time.

  • The judge urged the school and myself seek further testing to explain why a student who obviously enjoys school is having issues with grades and attendance.
  • He does not use recreational drugs and has been tested for it when he was summoned to truancy court.

  • Son starts having sleep issues again. It seems like he is caught up in the excitement of graduation and interacting with his peers online before everyone goes off to college.

  • He has a grand mal seizure waking up in the morning this week. He never had one before

  • Paramedics had difficulty transporting because he went into an explosive angry fit. Sedation was difficult.

  • ER Neurologist wants to wait before assigning a dx.

  • Psych doc seems troubled. He has not had a patient who has had a seizure under his care and took him off of meds. (he now takes Keppra as neurologist prescribed)

From an exhausting week I am now very confused on what to think anymore. confused