Yes, he has done a CT, MRI, EEG as well as various blood and urine tests. They all report normal The neurologist released him the next day though I was concerned about his slightly unusual behavior. He was very euphoric, unable to sit still, and chattered random impulsive thoughts. The neurologist said this may be expected for a week and its so difficult for me to wonder if his medication, seizure or both is causing it. The next day, he was sluggish, a bit down, and extremely forgetful about what he was suppose to do next.

I guess I'm worried his afternoon sleeping spells could have been seizures as well as his poor ability to stay awake in the morning. I'm also wondering if he was having absence seizures instead of ADHD type issues.

Would the next course of action be .... finding a neurologist? Would most of them be aware of twice exceptional kids?

Last edited by JustAMom; 05/28/11 07:09 AM.