Ginger, it sounds quite similar to what my son is going through at the moment. I knew two of his favorite teachers were at their wits end trying to get him to graduate and they wondered why a smart guy like him was making decisions to procrastinate instead of ask for help. Lazy had been tossed around many times. While the consequence of going to court and mandated tutoring significantly improved failing grades to nearly perfect final exams, his math teacher ran to the school councilor's office to complain about my son missing her finals... the morning he had his seizure. The whole intervention committee was shocked as I was. I guess the conclusion would be, yes, he is highly capable and yes, he has an undiagnosed medical condition affecting his capabilities.

So far I've learned there is a very small number of neurologists who treat patients with ADHD, seizures, and can diagnose Asperger. We were given a recommendation to one who has an interest in patients with Asperger and seizures however, her waiting list begins in 2012! In the meantime, his current neurologist can send information for consultation.

Unique. I'm finding the statistics for my son put him in a very small percentage of the population: high IQ, ADHD, (possible) Asperger, had a generalized seizure. Even his response to keppra is a little surprising to the pharmacist. He is more impulsive and hyperactive like where he is usually absent minded, quiet, and shy. At least I know what he's thinking at the moment.

Nik - I want the answers "now" and I can't find my magic wand.

Last edited by JustAMom; 06/08/11 06:14 AM.