Originally Posted by Nik
Thanks Grinity,
I actually have that book...Guess I need to read it again. My DD fits the "delayed sleep phase syndrome"
My son also seemed to take f.o.r.e.v.e.r to fall asleep. The melatonin helped him fall asleep, and also, it helped him a lot to have a regular 'early' bedtime. It seemed that the more hours he slept the 'better' his quality of sleep, and the easier it was for him to settle in. We'd notice around age 12 that if he went up at 9:30 it was 74x easier for him to fall asleep than if bedtime was 10pm.
As DS has gotten older, we've been less determined to stick to this,
I'd give the meletonin when I go to bed and used to 'put the electronics to bed' around that time also. Boy it's been a tough issue. This year he is at boarding school and says up much too late, but I don't have to deal with any of it, and he seems to be tolerating it.


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