Originally Posted by Nik
How do you recognize a complex partial seizure?

I have been asking myself this when my son's neuro told me his findings. While chatting with other teen parents who's children were diagnosed with CPS... it seems as though a number of neuro disorders were suspected until a seizure was captured on an EEG. I've learned this can be very difficult to do. The inconsistency of symptoms also seemed to make my son's psychiatrist doubt his original diagnosis but couldn't quite put his finger on what it could be. His pdoc is very experienced and accomplished for treating adolescent ADHD so we were puzzled why his treatment would work one week and fail the next.

Part of me is looking hindsight at all the other dianosis and doc notes from the time he was an infant. The thought of the possibility that he may have had this since infancy makes me venture into the 'What ifs" Why didn't his pediatrician, psychiatrist, school professionals, and I miss this... as it seems we all kept blaming the each other for his issues.

His neuro says this type of seizure would often leave the person completely unaware of them. I once tutored a student who had epilepsy in reading and he would have staring spells in mid paragraph. When i brought it to his attention, he looked puzzled as if I had made them up. This would continue after he read a few sentences. I know the nurse video taped the episode so they could show his neuro and it help in changing meds/dossage.

I'm still fustrated and sad but I know it is what it is. He will have to take medication for the next 5 years and if he doesn't have another seizure, it is considered in remission. Transportation, on the other hand, is a bit tricky figuring out when it is a good safe time for him to drive independently.

Thanks everyone for sharing your thoughts here. It really helped me feel a bit confident in my thinking as I had many of the same ideas and it gave me a few leads as where to look.

Last edited by JustAMom; 07/27/11 03:02 PM.