Thanks DeeDee, I guess I need to wait and see what they say after she has seen the Psych.

The diagnostician said she saw a lot of ADHD type traits and that she can usually tell within a few minutes of meeting a kid whether they are Aspie or not and she didn't see anything to raise concern with my DD. Of course DD was on her best behavior, enthusiastic about the testing and having a good day. I spoke with her about the GADS questionnaire and after I described a behavior scenario, she said "well, come on, how long ago did that happen?" when I told her it was last week she said maybe I better go ahead with the AS scale.

I wonder if I should hold off on the Omega 3 immersion until after the Psych interview? I would hate to skew things and get a wrong Dx because of it.

If you are taking the fish oil etc, and skip one day, will your behavior etc go straight back to what it was before?