Omega-3's have helped - not cured - a lot of ADD kids that I have known over the years, including my 2E niece, who lived with us from age 13 to 18. She preferred to get her daily dose through salmon, sardines, and anchovies, not through supplements, though, so I can't give specific dosing schedules or brands. Anchovies and sardines are also sources of DMAE, which may be an acetylcholine precursor, so that may also have contributed.

Specific supplements aside, I can tell you that from what I have seen over time, with a sample size of about 75 kids that I have had the opportunity to observe, a low-glycemic index diet, high in deep-water fish and seafood, and free of sodium benzoate and food dyes often makes a huge difference.

Edit: Caffeine absolutely helps improve the ability to focus. If you want to try caffeine for ADD, I suggest using either coffee or tea, as sodas are almost certain to have sodium benzoate and dyes, which aggravate ADD issues in many children. Caffeine has some of the same side effects as other stimulant drugs, though, including withdrawals even after fairly short-term use, possible rapid heartbeat, insomnia, and appetite suppression, although obviously not to the same degree that you would see with prescription meds.

Last edited by aculady; 02/08/11 04:00 PM.