Originally Posted by Cricket2
The reason we are trying the pills is b/c they are DHA not EPA, which is what she'd get from vegetarian food sources of O-3.

FWIW, if the claims by Horizon organic milk with DHA are true, there is a plant based DHA somewhere out there:
http://www.horizondairy.com/our-pro...mega-3?gclid=CPzMzMfc_aYCFaFk7Aod6BWHbw. The ingredients on the carton say "DHA Algal oil" Maybe that could be worth looking into?

So, what is the difference between getting your omega-3 through DHA or EPA anyway?

Lukemac, would you please elaborate on your experience with Nordic Naturals and also be more specific on which product you use? (they seem to have many similar varieties with different doses of the same thing)

Vicam, I checked focus factor on amazon and it looks like there are two - one by vital labs with good reviews and one that just says FocusFactor which has only one review which is not positive. The labels look very similar though, which on are you using and is it a multi vitamin or an omega supplement?

Verona, I would be interested to know what your pediatrician says about the sleep issue. I read the ADHD magazine in the diagnosticians office and it had an interesting article on people with ADHD having sleep cycles that norm at an ideal 4am to 12 noon sleep schedule(!) My DD goes through days of only needing 4 hours of sleep and then periods of sleeping for 16 hours and still being groggy but I think she definitely trends towards being a night owl!

Acculady, is there any danger to having too much omega 3? 1000mg seems to be a lot but I don't see myself counting up the value of everything my DD eats every day. I am planning to just have more food containing Omega 3 available in the house including supplements.

So here is what I have so far on my Omega-3 explorations/game plan for Omega-3 immersion:

I Bought Disney Omega-3 + vitamin D gummies at the grocery store (impulse buy, they had buy one get one free). They are pretty decent tasting but the bottle says take 4 gummies a day and 4 gummies only provides 125mg...she would need to take 32 a day to get 1000mg! And even if that could happen, she would then have 8 times the RDA of vitamin D(!)

The milk with DHA says it provides 32mg DHA omega-3 per serving and the multigrain flaxseed & soy hot cereal has 450mg Omega-3 per serving but the kipper snacks say 2g omega-3 per serving!

So I envision having salmon or kippers twice a week and on the other days making up the 1000mg with flax cereal and dha milk and gummies and/or other supplements.

Now watch the diagnostician tell me she was wrong and we are actually looking at Aspergers, not ADHD after all -lol! (I suspect she has both - is that possible?)