Cricket, please update us in a couple weeks on your progress and observations! I wish I could get DD up early to do yoga, she said its a nice idea in theory but it will never happen, she just isn't a morning person and its all she can do to make it to her 9:30am class already. I think I will step up Karate to 2 or 3 times a week but that is in the evening which may just exacerbate the "up all night" problems! What pills are you using? Can you just cut up the pills and mix them with applesauce or yogurt?

Thanks Grinity, I just ordered the nurtured heart book on Amazon...I really wish the title were different, I am not sure how DD will react to me reading something with that title, I would rather go with "we are working together to help you be the best you" rather than "I am going to transform you/fix you because you are difficult". Maybe I'll just rip the cover off wink

Verona, all I could find online was strawberry fruit that what you are using? My DD hates strawberries/strawberry flavor. I didn't see any other flavors for DHA gummys (maybe little brother could have placebo gummy bears/fruit chews? much cheaper!). If I can find another flavor, I think I would like to add those as a snack in addition to the salmon and soymilk for Omega 3s so she doesn't burn out on one thing.

Aculady, what is the daily dose? That's funny because I eat kipper snacks or salmon almost daily, and have done as long as I can remember because I crave them, I wonder if...hmmm

DD loves smoked and grilled salmon so I should be able to get some of that into her diet but I don't know about daily. She drinks Dr. Pepper like its going out of style (despite my forbidding sodas, I suspect she just keeps a case of it in her car trunk), I read the can and it has sodium benzoate in it frown. I know she likes tea too so I need to come up with a compromise to get her off the Dr Pepper, maybe the bottled tea drinks?

I too offered coffee and got the "are you insane" look - unless its a $5.00 starbucks frappachino lol. She has made a lot of comments over the years about how addicted we adults are on coffee and how she will never do that to herself...I'll have to lure her slowly to join us moo-ha-ha-ha.

I just ordered a couple cases of the 8.25oz silk soymilk choc and vanilla: she can throw those in her back pack and I am sure she'll drink them without coercion. I don't know how much 0mega 3 is in them but it can only help. Interesting note, she was sensitive to milk as a baby and only had soymilk until she was 10 years old, then we decided to try milk again since she was so physically small, we thought it would help her grow and it did but that is about when she started having problems in school, I wonder if cutting out that extra omega 3 was a contributing factor?

Okay, now I'm off to google "low-glycemic index diets" So much to learn!!!!