I am trying to determine where my almost 3 year-old may be. Can you guys help? The bottom line is should enroll/apply to an excellent accelerated learning school (with brutal commute) -- or can we piece together something closer to home.

My DS (almost 3) started reading about 26 months (now at about first grade level)...but is mostly obsessed with numbers/math (puts together story problems..."15 leaves take away 2 leaves is 13 leaves" and "2 cookies plus 2 cookies plus 2 cookies is 6 cookies"...likes to talk about number relationships "10 is closer to zero than 36". He counts everything -- like the 76 chairs in the restaurant. He is really into base 10 concepts right now ("63 is made of 6 tens and 3 ones"). He skip counts in 5s, 10s, 2s. Keen observer and incredible memory. Chatterbox (early, complex talker) -- extremely articulate. Yet, no interest in potty training.

In your opinion/experience...where might he fall in the spectrum.

Many thanks!