Hi Islandtime - when my younger son was very young he used to go to the childcare room at the Y while I exercised. It was for two hours tops, so having the perfect environment wasn't an issue.

It was an eye-opener. I read all the books about milestones and development, but so many of those are subjective. It wasn't until I saw my son at the YMCA that I realized he did not belong with his age mates. It would not have worked. No way. And he was not as advanced as your son.

Fortunately he has a birthday at the cut-off (making him young for his grade) and he was able to do k-2 in a mixed age Montessori school that had many other extremely bright kids. If his school had not been flexible about the birthday cut-off, I don't know what we would have done.

If you haven't already, take you son to some group activities that are segregated strictly by age in fairly narrow ranges. You should do this at a facility that draws from a broad community (this part is critical). It may be an eye-opener for you.

Last edited by JaneSmith; 10/13/10 08:33 AM.