Yes, my 16-mth old reads several sight words and knows his alphabet by sight. He also has an extensive vocabulary, and speaks in up to 10-word sentences (though he is generally prone to 4-5 word sentences and to cutting out connecting words like "the" and "being" verbs). I think he frightened our doctor at his 15-mth appointment, since she had the other physicians in her practice come to watch him talk. I have not, however, noticed him sounding out words other than saying the first letter of each word.

My mother has always insisted that I was a very early talker and reader, and has kept my first diary with an entry from when I was three and a half, so I'm not overly concerned about possible hyperlexia-related issues. It's nice to be able to know exactly what he's trying to communicate at a time when he's often frustrated by what he cannot do; I feel really lucky!