Mr W (24 mos) knew some sight words at 20 mos in both English and Spanish. Now, at 24 mos, we catch him reading by himself and then hiding the fact from us - and the fact that he is reasoning.

But he slips up sometimes - Monday we were at the store and he stopped in the medicine isle and picked out a box with Orajel on it. We were not aware that he was teething. But, he was, and knew what he needed and where it was and found it and put it in the cart.

The Montessori school was all over us on his 3rd day about how advanced he was. "Do you know that he knows his letters and some words?!!!" LOL. Last week he signed himself in with his own PIN, too - he has known my debit card PIN for six months now..

FWIW, I was reading at a 12th grade level in the 3rd grade. The weird thing is that I knew the words before I had heard them spoken so I ended up with some strange pronunciations.