I didn't have my child evaluated, but he did learn his letters and number shortly after turning 1 and was obsessed with them. I was a little concerned about autism and hyperlexia at one time. We filled out an Autism eval. form and he didn't fit. His ped. told me he believed he was gifted. He started reading sight words at the end of his 14th month. He is now 2 years 3mo. and is reading books and speaking in up to 9 word sentences as well. He asks all kinds of questions about everything. He has a very vivid imagination. It's very entertaining to watch him playing with his stuffed animals, Little People, etc... He gives his stuffed animals different voices and they actually have conversations with each other.
My child hasn't had the tantrums other 2 y.o. children do because they can't communicate. We communicate very well and when I ask him what's wrong, he tells me. Good luck in finding resources out there for a child this young. I have found nothing. Don't worry.