That's wow even for this board. Enjoy him! Does he already curl up with a pile of books and get found hours later? This is to be encouraged :-) My main advice would be to make sure that he has a place to play and read away from you (his bedroom, for example) and that it's comfortable and that you encourage him to use it frequently, e.g. by having a "quiet time" each day when he has to be there (awake!). The intensity is easier to cope with if you get regular and predictable breaks, even if they're short. (Is he napping still? even if he is, he won't be for ever, so you may want to avoid having his nap time as your only time away from being "on" for him, for your sanity's sake.)

I can't remember whether you were in the thread where I was advising getting a chunky basic calculator for a young child, but this might be something he'd enjoy. And plenty of books, including ones that are too hard for him to read right now but have good pictures or whatever, and not forgetting all the usual 2yo stuff, of course!

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