Not that early! Before he turned two, my son did things like ask about the difference between question marks and exclamation points and pick out the letters "m" and "a" when I asked him how to spell "mama," but I didn't realize he was reading until he was 2 1/2 and I caught him sounding out words in the newspaper at breakfast. When he started kindergarten at 4 1/2, his teacher formally assessed him as reading at the end of 4th grade level (she didn't test any further). He's 5 now and probably reads at at least the 6th grade level.

I have seen an article linking early word decoding to math ability, but I can't remember where. My son is not nearly as precocious in math as he is in reading, but he has taken a sudden interest in numbers just recently, wanting to discuss, for example, the difference between 1,000 and "ten hundred." He's also doing simple multiplication. I have no idea whether this will turn out to be a full-fledged math spurt, or merely a blip.