That is just amazing.

I have to comment because I read your son was 22 months. I have a daughter who is 22 months. She is nowhere near reading though. Hah! She does however love to talk. She has perfect pronounciation and loves long words. She just loves words. So, the states are a fun hobby of hers, too. But, I don't even think she cares what they actually are. She just loves saying there names. She is the same with dinosaurs and planets and number and shapes and body parts... I could go on and on. If you tell her a word she holds onto it.

I wish she would want to learn to read, but nope. I am stuck doing all the reading. She has known every letter no for so long it is like she doesn't care anymore about them. I am trying to get her excited about them again by going over there sounds. I wish I had done that in the beginning, but I actually was trying to tone it down at the time, because it was so unusual. She was like 15 months old yelling out letters everywhere. Other moms were making me feel bad.

My daughter also is go go go. She never wants to stop. I like your ideas about tiring them out. I am going to take her swimming tomorrow.

What we like to do is go to the museums. we try to go every other day. She loves the natural history, aquarium, and zoo. She is like another child there. It is so funny because she doesn't get much out of the playground. She'd rather go to the museum.