He sounds so much like my son. My son took a slightly different route in his early learning. At 11 months, he took to spending hours in front of his playschool easel learning to write his alphabet. He was reading fairly well by 18 months and then like many others discovered math. His reading skills are high school level (at least) but math and science light him up! He is extremely intense and has single minded focused to the point of craziness! When he decides he's going to learn something, he does, it doesn't matter how long it takes or how many people he has to annoy to get the answer, he will.

At the age your son is now, I signed him up for Time4Learning on the computer. Bad mommy using the computer for a babysitter! But honestly it was the only way to keep up with him. He wanted to know everything, completely insatiable. Enjoy the ride!!

Mom to DS 10, DS 11, DS 13
Ability doesn't make us, Choices do!