I have a lot to respond to here.
The analogy about basketball was in reference to my interaction with the general public. Why people assumed it referred to them I have no idea. That was in no way implied.
Furthermore, it is an analogy about the frustration that can occur any time there is interaction between people of vastly different abilities. It isn't about competition and like most analogies, it isn't perfect. The point of the analogy, presented to me by a psychologist was that such frustrations are normal in my case and the only solution is to seek out people with whom I have more in common and with whom there will not be such a disparity. If I have been doing anything wrong, it is probably not making more of an effort to follow his advise.
I'd also like to say that I do appreciate people's efforts to help me but I think it is worth pointing out that while I am thankful for any info that might be of use, I never asked to be fixed.
A big part of my reason for posting was just to share my experiences with you thinking I am probably not alone in my experiences and might find some common ground.
Instead of understanding, what I have received more than anything in my short time here is people bludgeoning me with their opinions about what is wrong with me and what I ought to do to fix my self.
I have to wonder at this point if all of you also do this to your children. Because if you do, I am here to tell you that you might want to consider taking a different tact while your children still have an ounce of self esteem.
If you are going to insist that something needs to be fixed, you first need to establish that it is broken. People who have a hard time relating to others due to a disparity in their abilities are not necessarily broken. Sure, that person may benefit from learning techniques that will help them better navigate the world in which they live, but insisting they are damaged goods and attacking them for not owning the label as fast as you think they should doesn't do anyone any good.
I urge you all to take a break from your criticism of me for a moment and take a good hard look at the way you have all responded to me. In only a few short posts, several of you have completely broken down into flat out attacks of my character. Why? Because I did not accept your initial assessment of me without question or because I suggested a different explanation might be possible? Is there a single post in which I insulted anyone here? Am I obligated to accept and agree with everything everyone says in this forum? Are all of your assessments so perfect that anyone not accepting them unconditionally deserves to be chastised?
To all those who have maintained their patience and posted constructive comments, I thank you. But to those of you who find it necessary to assail my character, I can only say that it is my most sincere hope you do not treat your children similarly.