My son saw the developmental pediatrician today, but the OT was sick so she wasn't there to test him. We are still getting a referral for OT because the doctor said he does have dyspraxia and dysgraphia along with the hypotonia and vestibular and proprioceptive issues and also some anxiety. She was listening to his heart when she told him he needed to start riding his bicycle and his heart rate went up when she said this. She thinks he should see a counselor about his anxiety. I think anxiety issues will disappear when he feels more in control of his body and doesn't have to worry every time he hears that he has to do crafts in Cub Scouts or 4H or Vacation Bible School or when he has to write or draw something in front of other people or learn a new dance quickly. She thinks I should make him do the crafts and draw in front of other kids even though he is uncomfortable doing it in front of them, and I am not so sure I agree with that.

My anxiety only gets out of control when I feel like my life is out of control and there is nothing I can do about it. When I have choices and feel like I can do something about whatever it is I am worried about, I don't have this problem.

The doctor said that even though he has the writing disability and dyspraxia she agreed that he probably would not qualify for an IEP or therapy in our public schools because he is above grade level in everything else.