Originally Posted by kcab
I don't like this fear and secrecy. I believe there must be a better way. When I talk to other parents, there are things that I will steer the conversation away from too, but I am happy to talk in general terms about what is available at the school. I don't think I should be a gatekeeper. .

That is exactly the way it is at my kid's school. I didn't even know why my child was testing in 2nd grade (they test all kids at that time) and no one told me. Our GT program is a HUGE secret and it has taken me almost 2 years to fully understand what all has happened with my child in my effort to see him qualify. My boys are in an excellerated magnet and lots of kids are in the program, but I don't think about half of the parents even know the program is there. And I don't understand the secrecy.

Originally Posted by Grinity
I do agree that schools "should" have open and above board policies for meeting the needs of gifted kids. OTOH, until the taxpayers make it clear that they want the needs of gifted kids met, and will pay the difference, if there even is one, or there is a State Law forcing the issues, I don't think it's going to happen widely.

I agree with Grinity and she is right, it is up to us. I love the rallying cry for the Grandchildren!!! LOL! Thanks for the post about all belonging here too. I've never felt unwelcome from any of the members, but my issues with my child seem mundane compared to the struggles many of you are going through. That is what makes me wonder if I really have a right to be here. But I figure I can be a cheerleader for those of you who are struggling with bigger issues with your highly gifted children. Ya'll are definitely blazing the trails for everyone else and I appreciate and empathise with all you are going through.

Dottie - good luck with your "advocacy" issue that is coming up. You don't have to worry about one of the other random anons either because that is me half the time!!! :-)