Actually, what you describe in the last post is *exactly* what Interactive Metronome could help. He sounds too high level for Therapeutic Listening although "The Listening Program" might address some of the issues (two different auditory stim programs, similar names, very confusing!). But, Interactive Metronome is designed to tap into the underlying neurological processes of timing and sequencing. What I see after the 5 week program is that the person typically increases in level of automaticity for coordinated movement. I had an adult with Tourette's do the program who reported that before IM he had to think "right, left, right, left" while walking and couldn't dance or catch a ball well at all. After IM, he learned to dance, could "walk and talk" at the same time and was surprised when he reached out and caught a ball that someone had tossed unexpectedly toward him at a picnic. He was thrilled with how it took his coordination to another level, where he didn't have to *think* about every movement.

IM could be worth the 5 weeks time investment, perhaps over the summer when school is out, to see if it will help your son's movements become more automatic. Check for a provider and more info at their website: www.interactivemetronome.com