Oh, ha. The original question.

I don't tell a lot of people that ds is GT; they typically figure it out on their own if they see him enough. And if they don't, they typically don't need to know (unless it is school).

Ds has a bright friend in his k class, probably gifted. His mother struck up a conversation with me soon after finding out ds could read. It was just a little ... I don't know ... obvious? smile If we get a skip and/or subject acceleration for ds, I think she'll be irritated that we didn't clue her in. Other than that, I've seen very little competition on the academic side from other parents, actually -- which may be a good or bad thing.

Bianc -- Love your story. That's fabulous that you were able advocate for your dd! I agree that EG+ children should all be recognized as special needs. It would make life much easier.
