My problem is on the other end of the spectrum. My DD acts so "normal" that I had to convince my DD's father that she is indeed EG.

Even after he had the IQ results he still insisted that Sarah was "certainly bright but not gifted". We ended up in court (DD's father and I are divorced) where a judge had to rule that DD was "Extremely gifted" and declared my DD "A special needs child" under some sort of California Family Code. My Ex felt that DD being in a school for the gifted was "elitist". A court had to tell him that it was not a choice to be attending that school, that it was a need. He doesn't get her at all, specially when she has her "normal" age appropriate tantrums!!

On the other hand, my DD can go unnoticed in social situations. She does tend to make friends on the older side but because she is very tall for her age (99% in height) it is not obvious that she is younger. When she is with her friends, she loves to talk about Hannah Montana and High School Musical just like any other girls her age. She does favor boys rather than girls as close friends (she likes sports).