Dottie - I wish I knew the answer! I really struggle with this. So many people come up to me and ask how 1st grade is going and I stammer every time because I don't know where to take it. 40% of the kids at our school are tagged GT and I haven't found a parent there I talk about this openly with. I volunteer in the classroom once a week and DS really is "out there". Which at the beginning of the year, I had no idea where we were at.

There is not much enrichment at our school, but a parent of a girl in my son's class has volunteered to lead a jr. great books group with kid's reading at or above 2nd grade level. So there are 5 kids that do this every 2 weeks in his class. This little group is kept very quiet. As well as the "challenge math group" the teacher operates. And even the challenge 3rd grade spelling words. You'll never hear about them unless they come home with your child. I'm sure there are parents in the classroom who will never know about any of this. She sends home a newsletter every week full of the stuff done by the main curriculum. Obviously, by design. Interesting.

Anyway - I too am also very grateful for the existence of this board! I also wish the world would get over it. But since I'm still so new to this world, I still feel like I'm getting over it!