Hi mom2one,
I don't have a child with this exact profile, but I have some advice anyway

My first advice is to not over think it yet - see what the report contains in terms of advice. It sounds like your ds had a thorough eval and there will be a good list of recommendations to use as a starting point.
I've found that once you have a diagnosis, the diagnosis is helpful both in advocating and in researching, but it's also important to not think to inside-the-box in terms of accommodations/remediation etc - don't get hung up on thinking "should I do this because it's ADHD" vs "should I do this other thing because it's ASD" etc. Look at each symptom/situation, and try to do what's best based on what you know of both the diagnoses and through observing your child. A lot of syndromes have overlapping symptoms, so even if, for instance, a child has handwriting challenges due to ADHD but is not dysgraphic, an accommodation that works for a dysgraphic student, such as keyboarding in place of handwriting, might be very effective and appropriate for the student who has ADHD. If your ds has "sloppy" fine motor skills and isn't dysgraphic, OT might be really helpful.
Let us know what's recommended in the report -
Best wishes,