My dd 2 1/2 is to young for this topic, but my memory of my childhood is what drives me to respond. There are many likely reasons for the troubles that I had in school:

1. Rough home life.
2. Chronic daydreamer.
3. Lack of direction.
4. Very slow writing speed.
5. Disorganization.

Disorganization was one thing that I had to solve. Unfortunately, I only solved it as an adult and not completely. My method as an adult is to try to as often as possible keep my environment organized, and deal with as much small stuff quickly as possible. I do add the as often as possible because I have the ability to walk through a room and leave a disaster in minutes. It is almost a supernatural gift. But, I have learned to be able to clean up almost as fast, and I must do it fairly regularly or my mind will soon become disorganized. Now the catch, I believe I am more creative in a mess. So, my real method. I allow myself to create a mess, but like "Cat in the Hat" I always pick up my play things. Learning to clean up fast was the key, but not easy. The fast is so important because I am not a very patient individual.

Now, that said, I might have and might still benefit by understanding what if any learning disability I might have had, but I was intelligent enough to stay out of special help and so did not learn some tactics that would have helped me in school. I do, however identify with many statements I have read under this forums 2e section. Being that I likely had some of these issue, I intend to become better educated in case my daughter shares them, as well as to gain more insight for myself.

By college I was fairly organized, but it was as it still is an artificial process. I am not naturally organized.