aeh, thanks. I used your analogy, and told my kid that it is better not to correct someone publicly. I don't know how much has sunk in, and how he will react during situations like this. I have made a mental note to role-play this.

On the other hand, I sometimes think the teacher just needs to pick the most important battles, and fight those, instead of correcting his every little move. When we had our talk, she also told me that she is the ultimate authority in the classroom, and not some book/other people (apparently, my child said that he read something in some other book, or he discussed something with a docent in some other place etc). This makes me think this is obviously not the first time this has happened. I don't see a good resolution to this. The teacher thinks he is immature for disagreeing with her publicly.

Zen Scanner, that is awesome. I bet it made you feel good.