Aeh, I have a question about your comment on who is qualified to do FBAs. A few years ago, I asked my son's school if someone could observe him to see why he was having trouble at school. We later found out he was being bullied. At the time, though, they had their behavioral specialist observe him for two days and tell me he was fine. When I called to talk with the behavior specialist, I discovered that she was a special education teacher and apparently responsible for FBAs without additional training (she said she just had special education certification).

I know they have an SP, but assumed they asked whoever was most qualified to do the assessments. The person who did the observation told me she did them, regularly, so I don't think they were simply choosing the easiest option.

Is an FBA supposed to be conducted by someone with specific training in it? Would someone requesting an FBA need to know what to ask for in order to get someone qualified to do it? Do special education teachers get trained to do FBAs even though the one I talked with seemed to say fairly clearly she didn't have specialized training in it?

I'm just curious in case we need to ask again and it seems relevant to the overall discussion.