One thing I always question myself on is whether the GIFT takes away more than it gives.

Our circumstances allow us to provide more for our DS than our parents did for us…BUT, should we and to what extent?

We are grateful to have the luxury of a choice. However, we also know that living with limited resources as children gave us more in the long-run – creativity, initiative, independence, opportunity to learn, etc.

Recently, an Amazon box arrived with HH goods, and I watched my DH twist the packing paper into fully recognizable dinosaurs. DS3 was delighted. I knew DH was creative before we had DS, but I didn’t realize the degree of his ability to whip something out of nothing until I saw all his invented games and creations for DS over the last few years.

DH's toys were very limited as a child to mostly just paper, pen and markers, and he had to create his own entertainment. I always wonder if DH’s imagination and creative problem-solving would be as well-developed if he grew up under more advantaged circumstances.