There is nothing like the culture shock of seeing how others live, and what others value. I am thankful for our public school for offering a cross section of wealthy, poor, greedy, and giving families for my children to learn from.

Growing up, we didn't have lessons, or a steady supply of shoes, or our own bedrooms. And we didn't go on every field trip, and we worked as soon as we were 14. And now, my kids get lessons, their own rooms, field trips, and 4 different kinds of shoes! (boots, sandals, sneakers, dress shoes). It took me a while to agree with DH about the multiple shoes. Felt like giving up important values.

And advocacy. We advocate for our kids. My mom put out fires for us, but didn't really advocate for anything but to please not suspend or expel us. Will advocating for my kids make them feel entitled? I worry about that too. Yet, I see other parents go and insist that their child get things I'd never dream of asking, just as they would probably never dream of asking for what I ask for.

Seeing others helps my kids realize it's not what you have that's important. Really. My dd has a best friend who has an iphone and her parents own a business as well as a large house, and another best friend who is homeless, and another....They all hang together. I love that about our school. And I KNOW we'd give that up if she went to private school. How valuable is this to her? It always seems like social and academic values collide these days.