Yes I accept introverts can be and often are leaders. But for me I am only willing to lead if I a) think I am the best person for the job, and b) the task at hand is worthwhile. I am not going to fight someone who has a "I have to be the centre of attention" attitude to be the leader in some one hour busywork activity.

I also think it is difficult for a child to maintain a facade of motivation, enthusiasm and engagement when for the fifth time this week they are being asked to do maths that they were able to do a couple of years earlier.

I have a low SES but a good education - here I was able to get the approved gifted testing person to do a private test for $240. I think bringing costs down might be more useful over there.

And finally I was talking to someone last night whose daughter did one of the few gifted things available here. She had to push to get her daughter in because everyone nominated was a high achiever - then the gt person let the mother of a non-gifted uninvited child who also pushed get her way. That mother complained to my friend that the work was far to hard for kids this young. My son is eligible next year but I can't help thinking it will be watered down and therefore no longer aimed at kids above the 99 percentile.