Originally Posted by Mana
Just out of curiosity, how does this school define giftedness if scoring 160 isn't it?

In NYC, they had to go to a generalized test and exclude anything else because they were threatened with lawsuit by DOJ by not treating children equally or something. At the time, there was only one accelerated school and they used the SB results that was used for Hunter admission. DD did a modified SBV for Hunter.

But had to do the OLSAT for this school when she was of age for K. She did 99th percentile on the modified SBV and 80th percentile on the OLSAT. The following 2 years she did 99th percentile on OLSAT so it wasn't a great indicator test for her at 4. But she couldn't placement in the accelerated school because so many kids got 99th and you got a lottery number. She was very unlucky with the lottery number. And siblings with a 97th percentile got first chance ahead of kid that scores 99.9th percentile. That was when I gave up. I tried all summer and spots opened but they went to siblings with lower scores.